Privacy Policy

1. General terms

a) Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited is very strongly committed to data protection and has therefore developed a data protection concept which ensures compliance with all relevant data protection regulations. 

b) For this purpose, AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited has appointed a data controller and a data protection officer. The data controller is the person who decides on the purpose and means of processing personal data. In this case, it is Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited. If you have questions, please write to: Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited, Gewerbepark 1b, 4950 Altheim, 

The data protection officer is the person who ensures compliance with data protection regulations. He advises and supports the management as well as employees on data protection issues, monitors compliance with data protection regulations, and is not subject to instructions from the management in his data protection work. AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited has appointed Dr. Peter Payer, business attorney, Untere Viaduktgasse 55, 1030 Vienna, Austria,, as data protection officer. 

c) Data protection applies to personal related data of natural persons which are stored fully or partially automated or non-automated, but according to a file system. Personal data means all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person („data subject“). Excluded from data protection are anonymous data, data from companies, associations and other institutions, data processed purely manually and without a classification system, and data processing for personal or family use only. 

d) Talking about person related data, a distinction is made between sensitive and non-sensitive data. Sensitive data includes data on race, ethnic origin, political opinion, religion, ideology, trade union membership, sexual orientation, health data, fingerprint, genetic data, and biometric data. The processing of sensitive data is subject to stricter requirements. All other data is considered as non-sensitive data. 

e) Data processing means any process carried out with or without the help of automated processes, in the context of which personal data is collected, recorded, organized, ordered, stored, adapted, changed, read, queried, used, transmitted, distributed, made available, disclosed, compared, linked, restricted, deleted, or destroyed.  

f) Processing of personal data is permitted if it is carried out in compliance with the laws and is understandable for the data subject. Personal data may only be collected and processed for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes. The data must be correct and updated. Wrong data must be corrected or deleted. Data processing must be limited to what is necessary and appropriate. The duration of data storage and deletion is determined by law. Data security must be ensured through appropriate technical and organizational measures. 

2. Data processing

a) During the course of its business activities, AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited collects, records, organizes, and stores data in particular the following personal data from interested parties, customers, and business partners: First name, last name, title, date of birth, gender, citizenship, marital status, address, phone number, fax number, email address, bank details, body measurements, profession/position, UID number, webpage, customer number, customer category, creditworthiness, orders placed, and payment information. All this data is non-sensitive data, which is why they are not subject to any special data protection regulations. No personal data is collected or recorded from third parties.


b) In case this personal data changes at a later stage (e.g. change of name because of marriage or change of residence of the customer), it will be updated, changed, or modified accordingly. If this personal data is needed as part of further business activities (e.g. to process a new order or to send marketing materials), it will be drawn from the storage location and used accordingly. In certain cases, we are legally obliged or even forced to transmit, provide, or disclose this personal data to third parties (e.g. courts, authorities, tax offices, tax advisors, or lawyers). As soon as the statutory retention period for personal data ends, it will be deleted. 


c) The purpose of this data processing is primarily the processing of orders, the execution of pre-contractual measures, the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the compliance with legal requirements, the protection of legitimate interests, the support of customers, the sending of product offers and marketing materials, and if necessary, the enforcement of legal claims. In addition, the personal data is used for statistical evaluations. The primary legal basis for this data processing is the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Austrian Data Protection Act. Every data processing must be limited to the absolutely necessary and must be completely transparent and traceable.  


d) The Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited only uses common and simple technologies when processing data. It does not combine or compare data from multiple data processing operations and does not make any decisions based on algorithms. No systematic and comprehensive assessment and classification of personal aspects including profiling is carried out and no location data is collected. 


e) The data processing takes place in Austria and the European Union. Regarding the storage of data in clouds of US companies, one must note that according to a decision of the EU Commission, the USA has an adequate level of data protection so that data transfer to the USA is permitted. Furthermore, data processing takes place based on existing contractual relationships with US companies and is therefore necessary to fulfill contractual obligations. 


f) Visiting the webpage of AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited, placing a written or oral order, and entering into any legal transaction, the interested party, the customer, and the buisness partner confirms that that he has read, understood, and accepted this data protection declaration. They herewith expressly agree that they consent to the processing of their personal data as set out in this declaration, including its transmission, pro

3. Rights of the data subject

a) The subject of data processing has a right for information, a right to information, a right to rectification, a right to deletion, a right to restrict data processing, a right to data transfer, a right of withdrawal, and a right to submit a complain to the supervisory authority. 


b) During the collection and recording of data, the following must be communicated to the data subject within the scope of its right to information: the data controller, the data protection officer, the purpose of data processing, the legal basis for data procession, the recipient of the data, the duration of data storage, the rights of the data subject,  possibly existing justified interests, and an explanation of the data transfer to a third country including legal basis.  


c) The subject of data processing is entitled to request from AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited information about the personal data processed about him at any time. This includes a copy of the processed data, the purpose of date processing, the data recipients, the storage period, the origin of the data, the legal basis for international data transfer, and the rights of the data subject. Providing this information is free of charge, except in case of excessive information requests. 


d) The data subject is entitled to demand from AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited that incorrect personal data is corrected immediately, and incomplete data is completed accordingly. Furthermore, it is entitled to request deletion of personal data if e.g. the original purpose of data collection and processing does not longer exist, the consent to data processing has been revoked, the data has been processed unlawfully, or the data deletion is determined by the law. The right to deletion of data does not exist if data processing is carried out to assert, execute, or defend legal claims or to fulfill a legal obligation to data processing. 


e) In addition, the data subject has the right to demand from Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited a restriction of the data processing if e.g. it has contested the correctness of the data and the data is still being verified, or the data is no longer needed for the purposes of data processing, but is required by the data subject for the enforcement, exercise, or defense of legal claims. If the data processing is restricted, the data – apart from being stored – may only be processed with the consent of the data subject or for the enforcement, exercise, or defense of legal claims. 


f) The data subject has the right that the personal data provided by it will be transferred back to it in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or upon its request will be transmitted to another data controller in case data processing is based on consent or contract and the processing is automated. This includes data which was pro-actively provided by the data subject or have been produced during provided services. 


g) The data subject is entitled to object to the processing of their personal data at any time if they feel aggrieved or disadvantaged by the processing. In the event of an objection, Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited is obliged to cease data processing unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests of the data subject in the cessation of processing. 


h) The data subject is entitled to submit a complaint to the data protection agency, if it considers its data protection rights violated by Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited. 

4. Use of internet technologies

a) Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited uses the following internet technologies on its webpage. By using the website, visitors automatically and expressly consent to the use of the internet technologies described below. 


b) Webtracking:
On the webpage of AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited information about the surfing behavior of webpage visitors in anonymized form are collected and stored for marketing purposes. This data is stored on your computer with the help of so-called cookie text files and allows us to analyze surfing behavior in anonymized form. For example, which city a website visitor comes from, which browser type and operating system the website visitor uses, and which pages they have visited on the website. Under no circumstances can the data collected be used to personally identify the webpage visitor. The data collected is only used to improve the webpage. Therefore, all IP addresses are shortened so that IP addresses are only processed in anonymized form. They are not used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties. 

c) Anonymous storage of movement related data (personal recommendations):
Personal recommendations are displayed on They are based on articles that you have already viewed, searched for or purchased. This information is stored anonymously in a so-called cookie. Your personal data such as name and address are not stored, and it is not possible to identify you.

d) Online-Newsletter:
You can withdraw your consent at any time by pressing the unsubscribe button at the end of each newsletter. Improving the newsletter service constantly, it contains a function that only informs you whether and, if so, when you have viewed the newsletter. Your e-mail address will only be used to send you the e-mail newsletter. You only give your consent to AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited. Your data will not be passed on to third parties.  

e) Cookies:
Cookies are text files which are stored on the user´s computer when he visits the webpage. Alp Jagd Stranzinger Limited uses so-called session cookies, which are immediately deleted when the browser is closed. They allow you e.g. to conveniently enjoy the cross-page shopping cart display, in which you can see how many items are currently in your shopping cart, and what your current purchase value is. 

In addition, AlpJagd Stranzinger Limited also uses cookies that are used beyond the session (“cross-session cookies”). These cookies in particular serve to make the webpage more user-friendly, effective, and secure. Due to these files, it is e.g. possible that you receive information on the page which is specifically tailored according to your interests. The sole purpose of it is to adapt the offer as well as possible to your customer expectations and to make your surfing as comfortable as possible. 

The help function in the menu bar of most web browsers explains how to stop your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to delete all cookies you have already received and block them for all others. However, you can completely use and experience some very interesting functionalities on only if you use cookies.  For example, being able to use the shopping cart requires the use of session cookies.  

f) Google Analytics:
This webpage uses Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“google“). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the webpage to analyze how you use the site. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this webpage is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, in case the IP anonymization is activated on this webpage, your IP address will within the member states of the EU first be shortened by Google. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this webpage, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the webpage, to compile reports on webpage activity, and to provide other services relating to webpage activity and internet usage to the webpage operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie, relating to your use of the website (including your IP address), and from processing this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: Browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics. This will shorten (anonymize) the IP addresses collected by Google Analytics. This measure is intended to prevent Google from merging IP addresses with personal data. Further information can be found under general information on Google Analytics and data protection. 

g) Google AdWords Re-Marketing:
This webpage uses cookies for the purpose of targeting visitors via re-marketing campaigns with online advertising in the Google advertising network at a later point in time. Placing re-marketing ads, third-party providers such as Google use cookies based on visiting this webpage. As user, you have the option of deactivating the use of cookies by Google. For this purpose, you need to visit the Google deactivation page at 

h) Facebook Pixel:
This webpage uses the visitor action pixel from Facebook, Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) to measure conversions. 

This allows to track the behavior of site visitors after they have been redirected to the provider’s webpage by clicking on a Facebook ad. This allows the effectiveness of Facebook ads to be evaluated for statistical and market research purposes and future advertising measures to be optimized. 

The collected data is anonymous to us as the operator of this webpage. We cannot draw any conclusions with respect to the user´s identity. The data is stored and processed by Facebook so that a connection to the respective user profile is possible and Facebook can use the data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with the Facebook Data Usage Policy. This allows Facebook to place advertisements on Facebook pages and outside of Facebook. This use of the data cannot be influenced by us as the site operator. You can find further information on protecting your privacy in Facebook’s privacy policy:

If you do not have a Facebook account, you can deactivate usage-based ads from Facebook on the website of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance:

i) Google Fonts:
Google Fonts is a service from Google which makes available a variety of fonts for use on webpages. With local embedding, the fonts are stored directly on the webpage server instead of being retrieved from Google servers each time they are accessed. This reduces external data connections and offers a performance advantage as well as better data protection compliance. 

j)   Adobe Fonts:
Like Google fonts, Adobe fonts offer a collection of fonts for use on webpages. In the case of local embedding, the fonts are hosted on your own server, which means that no data is transmitted to Adobe and thus ensuring data protection.

k) Borlabs Cookie Banner:
Borlabs Cookie is a tool which allows users to manage their consent to the use of cookies on a website. It helps website operators to make the use of cookies and tracking services legally compliant by informing users about the types of cookies and obtaining or saving their consent.

l)   Contact form:
A contact form is a function on the webpage that visitors can use to send inquiries directly to the operator.  Information such as name, e-mail address, and the inquiry itself is collected to respond to the message or enable further communication. 

m) Hosting through all-inkl:
Hosting via a service such as „all-inkl“ means that the webpage and its data are stored on this provider’s servers and operated from there. A hosting provider therefore provides the server space and the technical requirements for the webpage to be accessible on the Internet.  All-inkl usually also stores technical data such as the IP address of visitors and access times. 

n)  Inquiries via e-mail and phone:
If visitors or customers contact us by e-mail or telephone, personal data such as name, e-mail address, phone number, and the respective request are recorded. This information is used to process the request and respond to any queries. 

o)  Newsletter registration via Brevo:
Brevo is a newsletter delivery service. Webpage operators can use the service to send e-mail newsletters to subscribers. The e-mail addresses of subscribers are stored in a database and used for the regular dispatch of newsletters. Brevo also offers functions for managing the subscriber list, tracking opening, click rates, and designing newsletters.  You can subscribe to the newsletter via the webpage.